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Stormtrooper's Historical Bio Added - 03/27/10
I have updated the Bios page with the historical bio of Alexander "Stormtrooper" Carson. Enjoy. - Sentinal |
Maestro Officially Joins MIB - Historical Bio Added - 08/15/09
Well it's official now, Maestro has finally joined the ranks of the Men In Black. Personally, I've always considered him an "unofficial" member since he has always been closely involved with the group, so this is more like just a formality. Anyhow, I've added him to the roster. He will be joining Bravo squadron. In addition, I've also posted his historical bio on the Bios page for you all to enjoy. - Sentinal |
Antilles' Historical Bio Added - 05/24/09
It's been a long time coming, but I have finally updated the Bios page with Antilles' historical bio. It tells the story of Jyxe Clirr, a man in search of the truth... and his own destiny. Enjoy. - Sentinal |
News Galore - 02/18/06
Well it's been a while, but MIB is still kicking. Between new jobs, college, high school, and living our daily lives, we're still here behind the curtain doing a multitude of things. First off, as some of you might have noticed, Sentinal has changed the MIB banner and site background to reflect the upcoming Starsiege 2845 ATR release. Speaking of which, it was said previously that the ATR would come out in February, but according to this thread over on the Starsiege 2845 Forums we can expect a later release due to ATR testing. That's right, ATR testing. They're looking for 20 adults who are willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to test their product. A further hint of its impending release, perhaps? Stay tuned. - Aldaron |
Miscellaneous News - 05/25/05
As you've probably heard, a few months ago the Starsiege 2845 project switched over to utilize the new Torque Shader Engine [TSE]. This means that it is no longer a mod and is a stand-alone game. The TSE also allows Clancore to utilize DirectX 9.0/Pixel Shader 2.0 special effects such as those used in Half-Life 2, Farcry, and Doom 3. The dev team plans to produce the Alpha Tech Release [ATR] in the original Torque Game Engine [TGE], and then later port the game over to the TSE, which will be used for the final game. The ATR's release date has not yet been announced, but it will likely be released sometime this summer. On a slightly different note, I once again updated the MIB roster page, allowing more member contact information to be easily accessable. I would encourage all members to check out the roster page and make sure your contact information is current. If not, then fire me an email at sentinal07@hotmail.com with the desired changes and I'll fix it for you. Also, full-size 512x512 squadron insignias are now accessable by clicking on the miniature insignias for each respective squadron on the roster page. These logos can be used as decals/noseart for future vehicle skins in Starsiege 2845. - Sentinal |
Roster Updates - 01/24/05
I updated the MIB roster recently, dividing the active members into 4-pilot squadrons: Alpha, Bravo, and Delta. I've also done away with the ranking system since it seems to serve no real purpose anymore. I've replaced it with a custom title for each member. I've temporarily put up a placeholder title for each member, which you can change if you want. Just e-mail me at sentinal07@hotmail.com and I'll change it for you. Likewise, if you need me to update any other information that may be out-of-date, you can e-mail me about that as well. - Sentinal |
Starsiege 2845 ATR to release in February - 01/18/05
That's right, the Starsiege 2845 Alpha Tech Release will be available sometime in February. The ATR delay comes as a result of the Tribes Vengeance patch being delayed. On the upside, this gives the dev team more time to polish the ATR, so it's all good. And as a member of the 2845 dev team, I can say with confidence that it will definitely be worth the wait. The ATR will be available for download at starsiege2845.com upon its scheduled February release. One more thing... ...the Men In Black will soon be making their comeback. Be prepared. - Sentinal |
Minor Site Updates - 04/14/04
I changed a few things on the site recently. Most notably, I've added a few more tracks to the music player (from the game 'Uprising'). Secondly, I revamped our roster page to more accurately reflect the current squad status. Finally, I added a new ad banner at the bottom of the site for our host Sun and Shadows. |
{181st} Tournament - 02/27/04
As you may or may not have heard, the 181st is hosting a tournament on March 26th. They also send word of a cash prize available to the winner. You will find all the information about the tournament on their website, where you'll have the ability to pre-register for the tournament. - News submitted by 3*Gen. Stucky of the {181st} |
Massive Starsiege 2845 Update featuring Demo Video - 02/01/04
The Starsiege 2845 team is back and recovered from their debauchery at the Vivendi press event on Thursday and in some fit of drunken revelry they have produced an absolutely massive public update. This is without a doubt the most content they have ever released in a single update. It is overflowing with both eye candy and information. So much in fact that they had to divide it up into six separate threads on their official forums. There are a host of new screenshots from in-game and a gallery of weapons including models for the MFAC, Heavy Blaster and Pit Viper missile rack among others. There is also a very tasty video that shows UT player models being trampled to pasty goo by large menacing machines of death. Yes that's right, you've been waiting for a decade to be able to run people over in your giant war machine, now you can watch that dream come to life. They also brought back pictures from the press event in San Francisco, where rumor has it there was much free beer. As if that were not enough we are also presented with another character bio. It has been over two months since our last look at the characters from Starsiege 2845, when we got our first peek at Dawo Otobe and Orlanda Konovalev. This time we are introduced to a Cybrid character. Since the Dev Team has already confirmed that there will be no Cybrid campaign it raises the very interesting question of what role exactly this character plays in the story. Last but not least Trajan also lets us know about some job openings on the 2845 staff that need filling and some other administrivia regarding the official site. So head on over there and check it all out!
Pre-Alpha Test Video (55.5 MB, WMV format): |
Another Birthday! - 10/02/03
Our own Stormtrooper just turned 15 today. Only 1 more year, then....*gasp*.....driving! Wish him a happy birthday at the MIB forums. |
Birthdays! - 08/17/03
Both Raven and Antilles of [MIB] are celebrating their 18th birthdays. Antilles' b-day was the 16th, while Raven's is the 17th (today). So go ahead and stop by the MIB forums to wish them both a happy birthday. |
Sun and Shadows Goes Live - 07/15/03
That's right! Our web-host, Sun and Shadows.com, just went live with their new website. It is designed with the intent to further unite the S&S community and to generate more interest in Starsiege and the projects associated with it. I think I speak for all of MIB when I say, we are proud to be a part of the community at Sun and Shadows, and encourage others to get involved in the community as well. |
Multiple Terrain Maps Possible - 06/04/03
Raven and I have developed a new technique which would allow someone to create a map with multiple existing terrains. The most obvious use for this is to create cave-type maps with inverted terrains in addition to standard ones. We have already created a few maps to demonstrate what is possible using this method. You can download those maps for now at Raven's website. We've also put together a Multiple Terrain Creator Mod which will allow you to load multiple terrains into your maps. Warning: this mod is intended for advanced modders/scripters only. In other words, you'd better know what you're doing if you want to use this. |